I would like to share with you how practicing meditation has become part of my daily life. My journey with meditation started 10 years ago when I was introduced to yoga. I needed to make fundamental changes in my life due to personal health issues. During this time I started practicing yoga and after each experience, we would end the session with meditation which gave me the sense of well-being. I began practicing regularly and also attended a few courses, joined a few meditation groups and went to several meditation retreats. This encouraged me to pursue it further and to gain a qualification as a meditation teacher.
Wellness and a holistic approach to life have always been an integral part of who I am and how I view the world. I now practice meditation daily. There are many books, articles and resources available that provide insight into the benefits of meditation. This practice has provided me with many health benefits and a great sense of well-being in daily life.
I now have a more peaceful outlook on everything that is going on around me. I am surrounded by daily challenges, however, it is my calm response to these challenges that allow me to be more content. I have learnt to let go of circumstances that would cause me some anxiety and stress. Now I respond to situations rather than react. I find myself more compassionate and calm while my mind and body feel more connected. This is a heartfelt insight into my pursuit of good health and well-being and I hope that you will join me to be part of this wonderful experience.
~ Milanka ~